Immunocytochemical Characterization of Amniotic Fluid Macrophages in Cases of Fetal Neural Tube Defects

Amniotic fluid cells from 31 pregnancies with fetuses having open neural tube defects (NTDs) and from 43 pregnancies with fetuses free of NTDs were studied with the use of the immunoperoxidase method for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The authors also used cytochemical stains for endogeneous peroxidase and nonspecific esterase activity. In cases of NTDs, macrophages were present in the amniotic fluid, and in the authors’ system they showed intense immunoreactivity for both AFP and GFAP and showed very strong activity for peroxidase and nonspecific esterase, whereas the epithelial cells and red blood cells showed no activity. In six cases of anencephaly, sections from the margin of the cranial end of defective spinal cords at the aperture of the open lesion were also studied for AFP and GFAP. In these cases, AFP- and GFAP-positive cells were found, indicating the possible neural (glial) origin of a part of amniotic fluid macrophages. Although the determination of AFP levels in maternal blood and amniotic fluid is widely used in the prenatal diagnosis of NTDs, demonstration of AFP in amniotic fluid cells by means of immunocy-tochemistry has not been described.