Modelling of computer programs by directed graphs, where the vertices represent the computational tasks and the arcs show the flow of control, has been used for optimization purposes, parallel processing evaluation, and segmentation. All these studies are mainly based on the fact that a high proportion of the execution time of a program is spent in loops. Although the cyclic structure of programs can be theoretically complex, it has been observed that the nestedness is seldom very deep. Thus if one wants to optimize programs written in a high-level language, the detection of cycles by the compiler and its use in an optimization phase may yield a definite improvement in execution time without having to pay too heavily for excess compiling time. In this paper we show how a compiler could make use of an efficient cycle detection algorithm to model the embeddedness of cycles by an acyclic directed graph. The latter can then be used for packing purposes in case of a paging or "cache" memory system as well as for predicting the expected number of executions of a given statement for optimization purposes.