The 2.1 .ANG. resolution structure of iron superoxide dismutase from Pseudomonas ovalis

The 2.1-.ANG. resolution crystal structure of native uncomplexed iron superoxide dismutase (EC from Pseudomonas ovalis was solved and refined to a final R factor of 24%. The dimeric structure contains one catalytic iron center per monomer with an asymmetric trigonal-bipyramidal coordination of protein ligands to the metal. Each monomer contains two domains, with the trigonal ligands (histidines 74 and 160; aspartate 156) contributed by the large domain and stabilized by an extended hydrogen-bonded network, including residues from opposing monomers. The axial ligand (histidine 26) is found on the small domain and does not participate extensively in the stabilizing H-bond network. The open axial coordination position of the iron is devoid of bound water molecules or anions. The metal is located 0.5 .ANG. out of the plane of the trigonal ligand toward histidine 26, providing a slightly skewed coordination away from the iron binding site. The molecule contains a glutamine residue in the active site which is conserved between all iron enzymes sequenced to data but which is conserved among all manganese SODs at a separate position in the sequence. This residue shows the same structural interactions in both cases, implying that iron and manganese SODs are second-site revertants of one another.

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