The erythroid cells of anaemic Xenopus laevis. II. Studies on nuclear non-histone proteins

The mass ratio of nuclear non-histone protein: DNA in the immature circulating erythroid cells of phenylhydrazine-induced anaemic Xenopus is approximately threefold higher than in mature erythrocytes. This is largely due to the presence of increased amounts of low and intermediate molecular weight proteins in the nuclei of the immature cells. There are a few qualitative differences in the components of this class of proteins between the mature and immature cells, the most notable of which is the presence of a protein of molecular weight approximately 115 000 in the former which is not detectable in the latter. These changes are discussed in relation to the changing synthetic capacities of the cells and to certain generalizations about the function of the nuclear non-histone proteins based on studies of other differentiating systems.