Ribonuclease (RNA-ase) was investigated in 800 individual CSF samples. The uranylacetate precipitation technique of MacFadyen was used, followed by total acid soluble phosphorus determinations (King) before and after incubation. Normal and neurologically normal CSF's showed low RNA-ase activity. The values ranged under 20% substrate depolymerized in 24 hr. A few exceptions showing high values were encountered: one specimen each of acute nasopharyngitis, 25%; infectious mononucleosis, 28%; and myositis, 30%. The meningitis CSF's showed a wide range of RNA-ase activity, 0-50%. Poliomyelitis specimens exhibited uniformly the highest values, 15-52%. This high RNA-ase activity paralleled chronologically the chromatolysis of the motoneurons and is of special significance. In the syphilis group only the neurosyphilis samples presented moderately high activity, but rarely attained the levels observed in meningitis and in poliomyelitis. In miscellaneous neurological conditions the highest activity was found in a specimen from a case of genuine epilepsy. The findings are discussed in detail.