The report presents analytical techniques for predicting both the linear and nonlinear stresses and deformations of mechanically fastened joints. The idealization used is a set of stacked parallel plates which transfer planar loads among themselves by means of transverse fasteners. The plates are treated by finite element methods of matrix structural analysis in which each element is assumed to be in plane stress for both elastic and plastic stress states. The fasteners, which are treated by short-beam theory, interact with the plates under the assumption that the plates may be represented by an equivalent elastic foundation. Application of the present analytical techniques was made to a variety of problems including: the combined elastic-plastic behavior of plates with unloaded holes, the load-deflection behavior of single-fastener joints, the residual stress distributions in plates with squeeze rivets, the effect of fastener bending and shear deformation on the bearing stress distribution between the fastener and the plate, and the prediction of the fatigue life of typical mechanically fastened joints. In all these cases, comparisons with test results generally gave very good correlation. For the range of parameters studied, the effects of hole clearance and fastener interference and geometric configuration appear to play the dominant roles in determining the stress distribution and hence, the fatigue life of mechanically fastened joints.

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