Plasma glucose and insulin responses in growing rats fed a total parenteral nutrition diet either intravenously or intragastrically

The effect of administering either intravenously (group I) or intragastrically (group II) a glucose – amino acid total parenteral nutrition diet over a 12-day period upon plasma glucose and insulin responses was examined in adolescent rats. Infusion of the 25% glucose – 12.2% amino acid diet at a rate of 300 kCal∙kg body weight−1∙24 h−1 supported normal weight gain over the 12-day study period in both intravenously (group I) and intragastrically (group II) alimented rats. Mean plasma glucose levels rose dramatically in both groups by the end of day 1; group I had significantly higher mean plasma insulin levels. By day 3, the group I mean plasma glucose value decreased significantly while the group II mean glucose value remained virtually unchanged. Mean plasma insulin values more than doubled in both groups with the group I level still remaining significantly above the group II level. At days 6 and 12, group I mean plasma glucose levels were significantly below group II while both groups had similar plasma insulin levels. Data from this 12-day intravenous–intragastric alimentation study reveals quite different metabolic responses compared with acute (120–180 min) studies of the enteroinsular axis.