Hypoglycaemia in Childhood Diabetes I.

Hypoglycaemia (blood glucose 1.3-2.5 mmol/l) was induced in twenty-eight diabetic children by reduction of their morning meal. Fatigue and pallor were the most common signs of hypoglycaemia. Compared to findings during normoglycaemia, plasma concentrations of adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisol were significantly higher at glucose nadir. Plasma glucagon concentration at glucose nadir was correlated to the fasting C-peptide concentration and inversely to the duration of diabetes. Children who lacked C-peptide also lacked glucagon response to hypoglycaemia. The parents'' opinon of the need to give carbohydrates corresponded to the blood glucose level. The presence of adrenergic signs correlated to the plasma adrenalin and the neuroglucopenic signs to blood glucose. The lowest glucose level correlated inversely to the concentration of free insulin. When facilities for glucose infusion are lacking, a rational step in treating the unconscious hypoglycaemic child seems to be the injection of glucagon, considering the blunted or absent glucagon secretion.