Differentiation of erythroleukemic cells in vitro: Irreversible induction by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

The inclusion of DMSO in the media of suspension cultures of Friend erythroleukemia cells results in the erythroid differentiation of these cells. The studies reported here were directed towards answering two questions: (1) How long an exposure to DMSO is necessary to induce the differentiation of these cells; and (2) What is the fate of the differentiating cells when DMSO is removed from the medium. Exposure to DMSO for less than 24 hours failed to produce any detectable evidence of erythroid differentiation. On the other hand, culture in the presence of DMSO for 24 hours followed by culture in DMSO‐free medium for four additional days produced a small but detectable increment in the proportion of benzidine positive cells in the culture. Once the differentiation of an individual cell was initiated, the process continued after removal of DMSO from the medium. The cell became progressively more differentiated as evidenced by increases in the intensity of benzidine staining as well as in the rate of heme synthesis and heme content. However, when cells which had been induced to differentiate by DMSO were cultured in DMSO‐free medium for more than 3–4 days, they became vacuolated and apparently died. This latter phenomenon, as well as the more rapid proliferation of the undifferentiated cells in the culture, accounts for the observation that when new cultures are established from cultures which have been grown in the presence of DMSO for several days, the culture which results ultimately contains only differentiated cells.