An Analysis of College Students' Anonymous Questions about Human Sexuality

This study analyzed the frequency and type of questions about sex and sexuality that were anonymously submitted by college undergraduates enrolled in personal health education courses at three universities. More than 1,300 queries were submitted by 626 students (249 men and 377 women) from an original pool of 644 possible subjects. Questions asked most often fell into six general categories: sexual arousal/response, general anatomy/physiology, contraception, dating/relationships, pregnancy/fertility, and sexually transmitted diseases. Queries concerning sexual arousal/response accounted for just over 30% of the questions from men and 25% of the questions from women. Women asked nearly twice as many questions about pregnancy and contraception as men did, and men asked far more about general anatomy/physiology and sexually transmitted diseases than women did. Chi-square analysis identified a significant association (p < .001) between the sex of the questioner and the categories of sexual arousal/response and pregnancy/fertility. Physicians, psychologists, nurses, counselors, and educators should be aware that a considerable degree of sexual uncertainty still exists among college undergraduates. The authors concluded that the anonymous-submission technique was an effective means of enhancing the learning process and meeting student needs in sexuality education.