An organ culture model for assaying wound repair of the fibrocartilaginous knee joint meniscus

We describe an in vitro organ culture system that can be used to test the effect of various substances and compounds on the wound healing process in the fibro cartilaginous substance of the knee joint meniscus. Using culture medium containing either 10% fetal bo vine serum (FBS) or our recently developed serum-free, defined culture medium (DM), we have demonstrated the ability of meniscal fibrochondrocytes from intact rabbit menisci to extricate themselves from their sur rounding matrix and migrate into an exogenous, purified fibrin clot in vitro. After 4 weeks of culture in FBS containing medium, the cells which had invaded the clot had initiated the early aspects of a typical reparative response; the same response did not occur in DM alone. Morphologically, the cells on the surface of the clot resembled the original superficial fibrochondro cytes, whereas those cells within the substance of the clot more closely resembled the original deep fibro chondrocytes. After 10 weeks, the reparative response had progressed only to a certain point and then failed to progress further under these culture conditions. However, use of this culture system should now make it possible to rapidly identify and quantitate those fac tors which would most likely be useful in continuing the reparative response and in affecting meniscal wound repair. Elucidation of the mechanisms and requirements for meniscal healing will eventually allow the practicing orthopaedic surgeon to effect in situ meniscal repair and obviate the need for meniscectomy and its morbid sequelae.