This paper introduces exchangeable bisexual models with fixed population sizes and non-overlapping generations. In each generation there are N pairs of individuals consisting of a female and a male. The N pairs of a generation produce N daughters and N sons altogether, and these 2N children form the N pairs of the next generation at random. First the extinction of the lines of descendants of a fixed number of pairs is studied, when the population size becomes large. Under suitable conditions this structure can be approximately treated in the framework of a Galton-Watson process. In particular it is shown for the Wright-Fisher model that the discrepancy between the extinction probabilities in the model and in the approximating Galton-Watson process is of order N. Next, the process of the number of ancestor-pairs of all pairs of a generation is analysed. Under suitable conditions this process, properly normed, has a weak limit as N becomes large. For the Wright-Fisher model this limit is an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process (restricted to a discrete time-set). The corresponding stationary distributions of the backward processes converge to the normal distribution, as expected.

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