Inelastic Scattering of Protons

The proton energy lost in an inelastic collision with a nucleus reappears as an excitation energy of the nucleus. The measurement of the energy loss of inelastically scattered protons is a convenient method of determining the energies of nuclear excitation levels. Protons scattered at an angle of 135° by a thin scattering foil are detected by a proportional counter feeding a scaling circuit which is biased to count only the large pulses resulting from slowly moving protons. Aluminum stopping foils introduced between the scatterer and counter are used to slow down the scattered protons so that protons of a particular energy group move through the counter slowly and are counted. A plot of the number of counted protons against stopping foil thickness gives a curve in which peaks appear for different proton energy groups. Well-defined peaks corresponding to inelastically scattered protons are obtained for a number of substances and excitation energies are computed.

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