Experimental ochratoxicosis A in pigs

Ochratoxin A was isolated from a culture of Aspergillus ochraceus grown on a cornmeal substrate. The mycotoxin was added to a grower ration for 14 kg young pigs at 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg/kg and fed to groups of 3 for 6-20 days. The highest dose rate group only became sick, with loss of appetite, weight loss, polydipsia, polyuria, proteinuria, glucosuria, elevation of serum creatinine, pale swollen kidneys, renal tubular degeneration and cortical fibrosis. The pigs on the 2 mg toxin/kg diet appeared unaffected with only slight renal tubular degeneration present in 1 animal. Feeding diet contaminated with the intermediate doses of 4 and 8 mg toxin/kg diet led to reduction of weight gain and/or reduced feed intake and feed conversion efficiency and mild renal lesions. Ochratoxin A had been reported on mold-affected grain in Queensland [Australia] and some local strains of A. ochraceus in culture had been shown to be able to produce levels of ochratoxin A of up to 4000 mg/kg substrate. Rare episodes of nephrotoxicity in pigs seen at slaughter in Queensland may have been due to prior contamination of the diet with ochratoxin A.

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