Angular distribution of light scattered from critically quenched liquid mixtures

Light scattering was used to determine the structure factor S(k,τ) of two binary mixtures which were quenched through the critical point. The experiments, which were carried out in isobutyric acid-water and 2,6-lutidine-water, show that the normalized structure factor has the scaling form S¯(k,τ)=K3F(kK) where K1 is the size of a growing domain and F(x) is time independent. Our findings are in approximate agreement with those of Marro et al., who obtained S¯(k,τ) from a computer simulation of a quenched AB Ising lattice. The computer experiments yield an initial time dependence in F(x), whereas the light-scattering measurements reveal no evidence of this transient effect over the (dimensionless) time interval 6τ1000. The experiments spanned the temperature range 3×106ε2×105, where ε|TfTc1|. In this interval the integrated scattering cross section at every instant of time is proportional to ε2λ with 0.22λ0.33.