On a pelagic penaeid prawn, Funchalia woodwardi Johnson, new to the British fauna

On 30 July 1955 Dr J. H. Fraser, of the Scottish Home Department, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, sent to the British Museum for determination two adult females of a penaeid prawn collected at 01.56–02.0 h B.S.T. near the surface (15 fm.) at Rosemary Knoll, to the north-west of the Outer Hebrides, on 22 July 1955. The actual depth at this locality, 59° 12′ N., 10° 09′ W., is 229 fm (419 m). These specimens were identified by one of us (R. W. I.) as Funchalia woodwardi Johnson. Later the senior author confirmed this determination and wrote to Dr Fraser as follows: