Interrelations between neural elements and tanycytes during the perinatal period of the rat

Summary The present study has utilized a correlative scanning-transmission electron microscopic technique to examine interrelations between neural elements and differentiated tanycytes and to identify supraependymal cells in the ventral region of the 3rd ventricle during the perinatal period in the rat. From the 18th day of fetal life monoaminergic and/or peptidergic axons penetrate into the ventricle between the tanycytes. After birth, they form an extensive network covering the surface of the infundibular recess. The axons possess morphological characteristics suggestive of neurohormone secretion. From the 20th day of prenatal life subependymal axons begin to “innervate” the tanycytes. Supraependymal cells differ in their shape and ultrastructure, but all of them bear resemblance to macrophages, as they contain numerous lysosomes and phagosome-like bodies.