Turnover of Phytochrome in Pumpkin Cotyledons

By using density labeling, it was found that the protein moiety of phytochrome is synthesized de novo in the red-absorbing form in cotyledons of dark-grown pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seedlings, as well as those irradiated with red light and returned to the dark. The rate of synthesis appears to be unaffected by the light treatment. Turnover of the red-absorbing form was also detected in dark grown seedlings using density labeling, while turnover of the far red-absorbing form is already implied from the well known "destruction" observed in irradiated seedlings. In both cases, true degradation of the protein is involved, but the rate constant of degradation of the far red-absorbing form may be up to two orders of magnitude greater than that of the red-absorbing form. The data indicate that, in pumpkin cotyledons, phytochrome levels are regulated against a background of continuous synthesis through divergent rate constants of degradation of the red and far red-absorbing forms and the relative proportions of the two forms present.