Magnetism of R2Co14−xSixB systems (R=Y, Pr, and Nd)

The R2Co14−xSixB systems (R=Y, Pr, and Nd) have been synthesized for x ranging from 0.0 to 3.0 and found to have the tetragonal crystal structure for x≤2 in Pr‐ and Nd‐based systems and for x≤1.6 in Y‐based systems. Bulk magnetization measurements have been carried out in the temperature range 4.2–1100 K to determine the saturation magnetizations, anisotropy fields, Curie temperatures, TC, and spin‐reorientation temperatures for different Si contents. A decrease of the TC and the saturation magnetization was observed with increasing Si content. The anisotropy field in Pr‐ and Nd‐based systems was found to increase at 77 K and decrease at 295 K. The high‐temperature spin reorientations for Nd‐ and Pr‐based systems disappear for x≥1.3 and 1.0, respectively. The low‐temperature spin reorientation observed in Nd2Co14B also vanishes for x>0.3. The observed features are discussed in terms of weakening the 3d sublattice magnetization and its anisotropy due to Si dilution.