Matrix infrared spectra of NUN formed by the insertion of uranium atoms into molecular nitrogen

Pulsed‐laser ablated uranium atoms were codeposited with 14N2(15N2) and excess Ar at 12 K. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum revealed a single product, UN2, which exhibited a ν3 absorption at 1051.0 cm−1. Ultraviolet (UV) photolysis increased the yield of UN2 by threefold and showed that electronic excitation facilitated the insertion reaction. N2 perturbed UN2 bands at 1041.3 and 1031.5 cm−1 grew sharply during matrix annealings. In 14N15N experiments the ν1 and ν3 modes of 14NU15N were observed at 987.2 and 1040.7 cm−1, respectively; FG matrix calculations were performed to determine Fr=8.27 mdyn/Å and Frr=0.12 mdyn/Å and to estimate the IR‐inactive ν1 modes of U14N2 and U15N2 at 1008.3 and 985.7 cm−1, respectively. Energetic considerations suggest that the U+N2 insertion reaction has little exothermicity and that the activation energy for this reaction may be provided by hypothermal uranium atoms.