Superconductivity in heavy-fermionCeRh2Si2

We report the discovery of a superconducting transition in the heavy-fermion compound CeRh2 Si2 under hydrostatic pressure. Superconductivity appears at pressures above about 9 kbar, near the critical pressure required to suppress antiferromagnetic order [TN(P=0)=36 K]. Onset of superconductivity occurs at a temperature of ≊350 mK. Resistivity measurements as a function of field at constant temperature allow us to build an H*-T phase diagram for the onset of superconductivity. A Ginzburg-Landau analysis of the initial slope of the critical field leads to an effective mass of m*/m0≊200, supporting the heavy-fermion nature of superconductivity in CeRh2 Si2. Magnetic ac susceptibility (χac) shows a diamagnetic response corresponding to about 1% of perfect diamagnetism. The size of the feature in χac also is strongly peaked at a pressure of ≊9 kbar. © 1996 The American Physical Society.