The Application of Del Rio Hortega'S Silver Method to Epon-Embedded Tissue

OsO-fixed, Epon- or Araldite-embedded tissue can be stained by the silver amminocarbonate method of del Rio Hortega. Sections, 0.5–1.5 μ thick, are floated on the silver solution and impregnated for 0.5–2 hr at 60 C. Pyridine, 1–2 drops/10 ml of staining solution, facilitates the staining. Reduction in 1% formalin and fixation by Na2S2O3 are optional. Staining may be influenced by the buffering vehicle in the fixative and appears to be dependent on sites of osmium binding. Cytoplasmic processes and basement membranes are well stained, as are intracytoplasmic organelles. Nuclear and nucleolar staining is variable.