Estimation of the amount of dietary starch available to different populations

The daily per capita availability of dietary starch was estimated for 38 selected countries using food disappearance data from the FAO provisional food balance sheets (1972-1974 average); starch availability was also estimated for Canada from 1960 to 1987 using Agriculture Canada disappearance data. Total starch availability varies fourfold among the difference countries; the availability of different sources of starch vary up to 80-fold. Wheat and roots-tubers were the major sources of starch in countries with low total starch availability. Either corn and pulses, rice and pulses, or wheat and potatoes were the major sources of starch in those countries with high total starch availability. Starch availability in Canada, both total and by source, has been relatively constant over the 27 years examined. Slight increases in total starch and starch from cereals and pulses in 1987 will need to be followed to determine whether these represent the beginning of a real change in per capita starch availability.