Laboratory Detection of Marijuana Use

• The urinary excretion of cannabinoids was determined using a photometric immunoassay technique among adolescents and young adults who had an abrupt and closely supervised cessation of drug use on entering a strict rehabilitation program. No falsely positive urine test results were encountered among 70 persons admitted consecutively to the program. Among five subjects with a history of chronic, heavy marijuana use (56 g/mo [~2 oz/mo]), urinary cannabinoids were detected for an average of 13 days (range, nine to 25 days), following cessation of use. Among four subjects with a history of moderate marijuana use (~28 g/mo [~1 oz/mo]), test results remained positive for an average of 4.7 days (range, two to eight days). Test results were negative 48 hours after cessation in two subjects with a history of infrequent use (AJDC 1985;139:1093-1096)

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