Measurements of Static Quadrupole Moment of the First Excited 2+ States of the Nuclei Pd106 and Pd110 by Heavy-Ion Coulomb Excitation

The static quadrupole moments of the 511.7-keV 2+ state in Pd106 and the 373.8-keV 2+ state in Pd110 have been determined by employing Coulomb-excitation techniques. Foils (∼175 μg/cm2) of separated Pd isotopes were bombarded with 25- and 30-MeV O16 ions and 55- and 56-MeV S32 ions from the Purdue University and Argonne National Laboratory tandem accelerators. The angular distributions of the inelastically scattered ions were measured in coincidence with the deexcitation γ rays to determine the relative excitation probabilities. The experimental data were fitted using the Winther-de Boer multiple-Coulomb-excitation program so that the sign and magnitude of the static quadrupole moment could be extracted. The effect of higher excited states on the excitation probability of the 2+ state has been calculated using the matrix elements determined by Robinson et al. and the Winther-de Boer program. Self-consistency of the oxygen and sulfur data suggests that the excitation via the second 2+ state interferes constructively so as to increase the excitation probability. With this choice for the interference via the second 2+ state, the values of the static quadrupole moments are Q22=0.458±0.059 b for Pd106 and Q22=0.483±0.049 b for Pd110. If the excitation via the second 2+ state interferes destructively, the values of the static quadrupole moments are Q22=0.282±0.059 b for Pd106 and Q22=0.266±0.049 b for Pd110.