Evidence for Complete Translational and Reflectional Invariance in Visual Object Priming

The magnitude of priming on naming reaction times and on the error rates, resulting from the perception of a briefly presented picture of an object approximately 7 min before the primed object, was found to be independent of whether the primed object was originally viewed in the same hemifield, left—right or upper—lower, or in the same left—right orientation. Performance for same-name, different-examplar images was worse than for identical images, indicating that not only was there priming from block one to block two, but that some of the priming was visual, rather than purely verbal or conceptual. These results provide evidence for complete translational and reflectional invariance in the representation of objects for purposes of visual recognition. Explicit recognition memory for position and orientation was above chance, suggesting that the representation of objects for recognition is independent of the representations of the location and left—right orientation of objects in space.