Statocytes in root caps ofLepidium sativum L. were examined by means of ultrathin serial sections to evaluate the amount and distribution of cortical microtubules. The microtubules encircle the cell, oriented normal to the root length axis. In the distal cell edges, microtubules form a network, separating the distal complex of endoplasmic reticulum from the plasmalemma. Preprophase bands in meristem cells are observable rarely, structures which can be regarded as nucleating sites for microtubules are lacking. During ageing of the root cap cells, the number of microtubules increases in combination with a decrease of microtubule length. Development of the roots on a horizontal clinostat preserves a “younger” developmental stage of the microtubule system regarding amount and length of the individual microtubules. Evidence for an involvement of microtubules in graviperception is low, whereas their role in orienting cellulose microfibrils cannot be ruled out. Compression of the distal network of microtubules after centrifugation of the roots indicates that microtubules in statocytes ofLepidium sativum L. roots might function in stabilizing the distal complex of endoplasmic reticulum.