Quantitative representation of two germ‐line V genes in the early antibody response to 2‐phenyloxazolone

Early anti‐phenyloxazolone antibodies of B ALB/c mice include a subset that bears the nearly or totally unmutated VH−Ox1 sequence. A fraction of this subset also bears the nearly or totally unmutated Vx−Ox1 sequence. The whole subset is recognized by an anti‐idiotype serum 495 and the VH−Ox1/Vx−Ox1 fraction also by another anti‐idiotype serum 260. Frequencies of the VH−Ox1 subset and its Vx−Ox1 fraction in early IgM and IgG antibodies were determined by typing hybridomas with anti‐idiotype antisera. The whole subset appears to make up approximately one half of IgG antibodies, two thirds of this being 495+/260+ in both isotypes. IgM data are less certain but the same frequencies may be valid. Affinities of 495+/260+ antibodies ranged from 1.3 × 106 to 11 × 106, affinities of 495+/260 antibodies from 0.47 × 106 to 1.1 × 106, and affinities of doubly negative antibodies were less than 0.41 × 106. High affinity is probably an explanation for the high proportion (one third) of the 495+/260+ antibodies in the early response. Doubly negative (and low‐affinity) hybridomas may not have been classified as producers of phenyloxazolone antibodies in earlier studies, and this could explain the still higher reported frequency (73%) of VH−Ox1/Vx−Ox1 antibodies.