Crystal Size and Orientation Patterns in the Wisconsin-Age Ice from Dye 3, Greenland

Crystal size and c-axis orientation patterns were measured on the Dye 3, Greenland, deep ice core in order to investigate time-dependent changes or alterations in the physical character of the core as a function of time after recovery. The physical measurements were expanded to include depth intervals not previously studied in the field. The recent study focused on core samples located between 1786 m and the bottom of the ice sheet at 2037 m.Manual c-axis measurements were made on 23 new thin sections using a Rigsby-type universal stage. A new semi-automatic ultrasonic wave-velocity measuring device was developed in order to compare the results with the earlier manual measurements and to study an additional 114 ice-core samples in the Wisconsin-age ice. Crystal-size measurements were made on specimen surfaces by inducing evaporation grooves at crystal boundaries and measuring linear intercepts. The ultrasonically measured test samples were subsequently cleaned and analyzed by ion chromatography in order to measure impurity concentration levels of Cl, NO3− and SO42− and study their effects on crystal growth and c-axis orientation.