Estimation of the Prevalence of Injection Drug Use in Greater Boston in 1993

This article is a report on different methods of estimation of the number of injection drug users (IDUs) in the Boston standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA) in 1993. Because the sharing of needles is a means of transmission for HIV, an estimate of the prevalence of injection drug use is essential for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) prevention programs. The data for this study come from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse, the Massachusetts AIDS Surveillance Unit, the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Population Estimates 1993, and the Massachusetts State Police Crime Reporting Unit. The estimates in this study can be assessed with regard to the different time frames that are involved, noting that some estimates are useful only to establish upper or lower bounds. The estimate that best meshes with the findings of this report is that there were between 13,500–16,500 injection drug users in greater Boston and 45,000–60,000 IDUs in Massachusetts in 1993.