Radiative lifetimes of several metastable states of doubly and triply ionized Ar, Kr, and Xe

The natural radiative lifetimes of the ns2 np4 (1 S0) metastable states of Ar2+, Kr2+, and Xe2+ with n=3, 4, or 5, respectively, have been measured using an ion-trapping technique. In addition, we have measured the natural radiative lifetimes of the 4s24p3 (2 P1/2) metastable state of Kr3+ and also of the 5s25p3 (2 P1/2 and 2 P3/2) metastable states of Xe3+. The decay rate of each state was determined by counting for equal time intervals the uv photons emitted as the metastable ion population decayed to a lower level of the ground-state configuration. A population of ions was produced inside a cylindrical electrostatic ion trap by electron bombardment of the appropriate parent gas maintained at pressures ranging from 4 to 80×108 Torr. The trap consisted of a 5.0-cm-diam, 7.5-cm-long cylinder with end caps plus a concentric 0.003-cm-diam central cylinder maintained at a negative potential of 150 V. Following electron impact of the parent gas, some of the photons emitted by the decaying metastable ion population were focused onto a narrow-bandwidth interference filter.