Fine structural changes in native and mercerized fibrous cellulose brought about by ethylenediamine and methyl alcohol

X‐Ray diffraction (XRD) studies were made on native as well as mercerized ramie and cotton fibers after swelling them in ethylenediamine (EDA) solutions and washing out the swelling agent using methyl alcohol (MeOH). These treatments are shown to convert the cellulose I and II lattices into cellulose IIII and IIIII type lattices, respectively. Treatment of the IIII and IIIII samples in boiling water or hydrochloric acid results in reconversions of their crystal lattices into the respective parent types. Alkali treatment causes a III → II type conversion. Studies using alkali‐swollen fibers as well as fibers of different lateral order as starting materials indicate the importance of the structural organization in the cellulosic materials in the production of the cellulose III lattices. Possible mechanisms involved in the lattice transformations in cellulose brought about by the EDA and MeOH treatments are discussed.