Histological diagnosis of intestinal microsporidiosis in patients with AIDS.

Fifty nine patients seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and diarrhoea and 20 with weight loss were investigated for microsporidiosis using light and electron microscopical examination of duodenal and jejunal biopsy specimens. Eight cases of microsporidiosis were found, in five of whom it was the sole pathogen. In all eight cases the organism was identified at light microscopy without prior knowledge of the electron microscopical findings. All stages of the life cycle are best seen in resin sections cut at 1 micron and stained with Giemsa, but spores could easily be identified in paraffin sections cut at 5 microns and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. In all cases the parasite was identified both in duodenal pinch and jejunal "Crosby" capsule biopsy specimens. All cases of microsporidiosis occurred in patients with diarrhoea. Both electron and light microscopical examination suggested that the pathogenic mechanism involves the shedding of infected enterocytes containing large numbers of spores. It is suggested that the optimal way to diagnose microsporidiosis is by light microscopical examination of duodenal pinch biopsy specimens.