Treatment of malignant melanoma with dacarbazin (DTIC-DOME) with special reference to urinary excretion of 5-S-cysteinyldopa

Patients (17) were given DTIC [dacarbazine], 200 mg/m2 per day in 5 day courses every 4-6 wk. In 4 patients (stage II) treated on an adjuvant basis, tumor recurrence has been verified in 3. Four of the palliatively treated patients were also given DTIC by regional intra-arterial infusion with minimal positive tumor effect and minimal toxicity. 5-S-cysteinyldopa excretion in urine was checked continuously in all patients. Tumor recurrence was revealed in 2 patients given DTIC on an adjuvant basis 3 and 4 mo. before clinical signs of tumor. In the palliatively treated patients, 5-S-cysteinyldopa excretion increased in 5/6 patients judged to have stable disease, before tumor progression was clinically detectable. The use of 5-S-cysteinyldopa examination is a valuable adjunct to the follow-up of the effect of DTIC therapy in melanoma patients.