V-Particle Production by 1.9-BevπMesons

A twenty-atmosphere hydrogen-filled diffusion cloud chamber located in a magnetic field of 10 500 gauss was exposed to a beam of 1.9-Bev π mesons from the Brookhaven Cosmotron. Out of 20 000 pictures taken of the chamber there are two examples of V-particle production in the gas of the chamber, and 78 examples of decays of V particles which were presumably produced in the stainless steel walls of the chamber. One of the production events in the gas of the chamber is best interpreted as π+pΛ0+K0+π0, while the other is an example of π+pΣ+K+. The 63 neutral decays observed include 28 identified Λ0 particles and 11 identified θ0 particles. Momentum and angular distributions for the Λ0 and θ0 particles were obtained. Six of the V0 decays, or about 10%, were classified as anomalous. Of these, three seemed to represent the β decay of neutral V particles into π±+e+ν. From the data on neutral V-particle decays the mean lifetime of the θ20 was qualitatively measured as being probably between 109 and 108 sec. The cross section for V-particle production by 1.9-Bev π mesons on protons is estimated to be ∼1 mb. Some evidence was found which suggests the existence of a heavy cascade K meson which decays into a conventional K meson and a pion.