Effect of Dosimetric and Physiological Factors on the Lethal Photosensitization of Porphyromonas gingivalis in vitro

The aims of this study were to (1) determine the effect of dosimetric and physiological factors on the lethal photosensitization of Porphyromonas gingivalis using tolui‐dine blue O (TBO) and light from a helium/neon (HeNe) laser; (2) determine the influence of sensitizer concentration, preirradiation time, serum and growth phase on sensitizer uptake by P. gingivalis. The dosimetric factors studied were concentration of TBO, light dose and preirradiation time. The physiological factors were presence of serum, pH and bacterial growth phase. Sensitizer uptake by P. gingivalis under various conditions was determined using tritiated TBO (3H‐TBO). In the presence of TBO, a light dose‐dependent increase in kill was attained (100% kill at 4.4 J). There was no significant effect on the numbers killed when TBO was increased from 12.5 to 50 µg/mL. An increase in preirradiation time gave slightly increased kills. High kills were achieved at all three pH (6.8–8.0). Although kills were substantial in the presence of serum, they were significantly less than those obtained in the presence of saline. Cells in all three growth phases were susceptible to lethal photosensitization, although stationary phase cells were slightly less susceptible. Maximum uptake of TBO occurred within 60 s and uptake in serum was less than in saline. The uptake by the log phase cells was greater at lower concentrations of sensitizer (50 µg/mL), compared to the other two phases.