Assessment of Functional Limitation and Disability in Patients with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is characterized by diffuse widespread musculoskeletal pain. The aims of this literature study were to review measures and instruments used to assess functional limitations and disability in patients with FMS. A 10-year search was done on Medline, CATS, and CINAHL. Of the 73 articles found, only standardized instruments and tests permitting quantification were included. Reviews, trials of medication therapy, epidemiological studies, and measures of the psychological and impairment level were excluded. The articles were divided into cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. No studies evaluating the reliability, validity or sensitivity of the functional tests applied to the FMS were found. Of the disability instruments reviewed, only the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales and Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire were evaluated for reliability and validity for the FMS population. The Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scales and Quality of Life Scale proved their sensitivity, detecting change in a controlled longitudinal study.

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