Study of prolactin levels in the ferret

A radioimmunoassay for canine prolactin has been used to measure prolactin in the ferret. Serial dilutions of extracts of ferret pituitary glands and of ferret plasma yielded curves that were parallel with the canine prolactin standard curve. The sensitivity, accuracy, reproducibility and precision of the assay were within acceptable limits. Plasma prolactin levels increased after the administration of thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) or chlorpromazine, but not after giving luteinizing hormone releasing hormone. Female ferrets, which were anoestrous, oestrous or spayed, and male ferrets had similar basal prolactin levels when sampled under sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia. These basal levels were higher than in conscious males and the latter also showed a lesser response to TRH. Hypophysectomy significantly reduced basal prolactin levels in female ferrets by 2 h postoperatively and abolished the response to TRH.