A study was made of the quantitative changes occurring in the protein composition of the chick breast muscle as the tissue develops from the embryonic to the adult state. A standard method for the extraction and estimation of several protein fractions was developed. The sarcoplasmic proteins extracted from homogenized muscle tissue by dilute salt solns. and the fibrillar proteins extracted in strong salt solns. but precipitated on dilution form 2 such fractions. That protein fraction insoluble in strong salt solns. but soluble in dilute alkali forms a 3d complex fraction and the final extracellular residue, a 4th. The changes found in the protein N content of each fraction during the development of the chick were presented with reference both to the fresh wt. of the tissue and the total protein. Protein analyses of the muscles of month-old and newly hatched chicks are contrasted with those of adult muscle from the rabbit.