The Effects of Miracidial Aging and Dilution of Snail-Conditioned Water on Responses of Miracidia of Megalodiscus temperatus

Miracidia of Megalodiscus temperatus from newly hatched until 10 hr old were tested for their ability to react to Helisoma trivolvis snail-conditioned water (SCW) by contact with return (CR) to agar blocks and by percentage of miracidia reacting to a point inoculation of SCW as determined by a photographic time exposure method. CR to agar blocks containing 1:50 SCW was greatest during the first 6 hr after hatching but declined thereafter. The reaction during the first hour to a point inoculation was lower than during the 2nd and 3rd hr. Results were variable from 4 to 10 hr after hatching with the lowest response recorded from 9 to 10 hr. Miracidial responses to dilutions of SCW were assessed by the same two methods. CR to agar blocks containing decreasing concentrations of SCW declined until at a dilution of 1:500 CR was only slightly above the controls. On the other hand, miracidial reactions to point inoculations of SCW as determined by the photographic method were still apparent at a dilution of 1:25,000, when 12% of the miracidia tested reacted. Thus, the photographic time exposure method gives a sensitive means for detecting altered miracidial behavior to various intrinsic and extrinsic factors.