Paired Comparison Tests of the Relative Signal Detected by Capacitive and Floating Langmuir Probes in Turbulent Plasma from 0.2 to 10 MHz

Paired comparison measurements of the spectrum of electrostatic potential fluctuations in a steady state turbulent plasma confined in a magnetic mirror geometry have been made with capacitive and floating Langmuir probes over the frequency range from 0.2 to 10.0 MHz. For the experimental conditions investigated (5×107ne≤5×108/cm3, 8≤Te≤38 eV, 350≤Ti≤930 eV, Bmax=1.0 T), no significant difference in the relative frequency response was observed below 4.0 MHz. At about this frequency, however, the signal detected by the floating Langmuir probe dropped off relative to that of the capacitive probe. The source resistance of the turbulent fluctuations sensed by the Langmuir probe was about 400 Ω. At higher frequencies (from 7.0 to 10.0 MHz) a signal was detected by the floating Langmuir probe that was not detected by the capacitive probe. This spurious signal may be confused with the turbulent fluctuations of the plasma in the absence of paired comparison tests.

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