Pharmacokinetics of meropenem in subjects with various degrees of renal impairment

Five healthy volunteers and 18 patients with various degrees of renal impairment received 500 mg of meropenem intravenously as a 30-min infusion. Five dialysis patients were dosed 2 h prior to hemodialysis, and four of them were also dosed between hemodialysis treatments. Plasma and urine samples were collected for up to 48 h and 12 h, respectively. Concentrations of meropenem and its open ring metabolite ICI 213,689 were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay, respectively. The subjects were divided into four groups with glomerular filtration rates (GFR) of greater than 80, 30 to 80, 5 to 29, or less than 5 ml/min. There were linear correlations between the GFR and the rates for total plasma clearance as well as renal clearance of meropenem (group mean values for total clearance of 186, 74, 53, and 19 ml/min/1.73 m2, respectively). In subjects with normal renal function, nonrenal clearance accounted for approximately 20% of total elimination, increasing to about 50% in patients with GFR between 5 and 29 ml/min/1.73 m2. The terminal half-life of meropenem increased from 0.9 h in the healthy volunteers to 6.8 h in patients with end-stage renal disease. The half-life of ICI 213,689 was 2.31 h in the healthy volunteers and increased to 23.6 h in patients with GFR of 5 to 29 ml/min. In patients with end-stage renal disease, half-lives could not be measured, as concentrations were hardly declining during the 48-h observation period. The area under the concentration-time curve for meropenem increased more than 10-fold. Both meropenem and its open ring metabolite were readily dialyzable, with dialysis clearances of 79 and 81 ml/min/1.73 m2, respectively.