p53 promotes adenoviral replication and increases late viral gene expression

The tumor suppressor protein, p53, plays a critical role in viro-oncology. However, the role of p53 in adenoviral replication is still poorly understood. In this paper, we have explored further the effect of p53 on adenoviral replicative lysis. Using well-characterized cells expressing a functional p53 (A549, K1neo, RKO) and isogenic derivatives that do not (K1scx, RKOp53.13), we show that virus replication, late virus protein expression and both wtAd5 and ONYX-015 virus-induced cell death are impaired in cells deficient in functional p53. Conversely, by transfecting p53 into these and other cells (IIICF/c, HeLa), we increase late virus protein expression and virus yield. We also show, using reporter assays in IIICF/c, HeLa and K1scx cells, that p53 can cooperate with E1a to enhance transcription from the major late promoter of the virus. Late viral protein production is enhanced by exogenous p53. Taken together, our data suggest that functional p53 can promote the adenovirus (Ad) lytic cycle. These results have implications for the use of Ad mutants that are defective in p53 degradation, such as ONYX-015, as agents for the treatment of cancers.