Protection of bean seedlings against heat and chilling injury by triadimefon

Triadimefon [1‐(4‐chlorophenoxy)‐3,3‐dimethyl‐l‐(l,2,4‐triazol‐l‐yl)‐2‐butanone] is a triazoie fungicide which protects bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Spring Green) plants from heat and chilling injury. When the plants were exposed to heat shock by dipping the shoots in hot (50°C) distilled water for 2 min or exposing the plants to cold (1°C) for 8 h the primary leaves showed visual symptoms of injury 2 days after treatment and thereafter there was a progressive decline in chlorophyll and an increase in electrolyte leakage indicative of a loss of membrane integrity. There was a loss of metabolic (respiratory) activity in the root meristems when the roots were dipped in hot (48°C) water. All these symptoms of heat and chilling injury in the controls were either delayed or prevented by root application of triadimefon.