The Effect of Gibberellic Acid on the Flowering of Spring and Winter Rye

The effects of leaf applications of gibberellic acid on the flowering of unvernalised and partially vernalised winter rye and on spring rye have been investigated. A small stimulation of the progress to flowering was obtained but it was subsequently lost over a period of seven or eight weeks. The stimulation was not due to a reduction in the vernalisation requirement of the winter variety since similareffects were obtained in spring rye. Treatment with gibberellic acid stimulated meristems of both the vegetative and reproductive parts of the rye plant. The hastening of development of floral primordia was considered to be part of this overall stimulatory effect, which is concerned with growth rather than with development. The relation between these results and the influence of gibberellic acid on the flowering of some other long- and short-day plants is briefly discussed.

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