Electrical Stimulation of The Dorsal Nerve of the Penis Evokes Reflex Tonic Erections of the Penile Body and Reflex Ejaculatory Responses in the Spinal Rat

An animal model using the spinal rat was characterized. Electrical stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis elicited reflex tonic erections of the penile body and reflex bulbospongiosus muscle activity, flips and ejaculations. The tonic erections of the penile body are independent from contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle and appear to be the result of a neurovascular process. Our observations suggest that reflex bulbospongiosus muscle activity, flips and ejaculations are a single complex reflex response, which we define as reflex ejaculatory response. Two parameters predicted the occurrence and type of reflex response. The visualization of bulbospongiosus muscle activity during surgical isolation of the dorsal nerve of the penis was sufficient to anticipate the elicitability of reflex ejaculatory responses. The latter, together with a systemic systolic pressure > or = 73 mmHg., warranted the elicitability of reflex tonic erections. The similarities found in the physiology of rat tonic penile body erections and of human erections make this model promising for further elucidation of sexual function. Moreover, the present model may prove useful for the investigation of neurogenic erectile dysfunction, and of neurogenic ejaculatory disorders.