Resonance Detection of Neutron Energy Groups from theMn55(p, n)Fe55Reaction

The excitation energies of low-lying levels in Fe55 and the Q-value of the Mn55(p, n)Fe55 reaction have been measured by determining the proton energies at which 257-kev neutrons are produced in this reaction. The ratio of the number of neutrons scattered by a ½-inch thick lithium slab to the number of neutrons transmitted was measured as the energy of a proton beam striking a thin manganese target was varied monotonically. Peaks in the ratio curve, indicating the presence of 257-kev (the energy for resonant neutron scattering from lithium) neutron groups from the reaction, occur at particular proton energies, and Q-values can readily be computed. A ground-state Q-value of (-1.011±0.005) Mev has been measured for the Mn55(p, n)Fe55 reaction and states in Fe55 were located at exciatations of 437, 936, 1315, 1414, and 2156 kev. Advantages and limitations of the method are discussed.