Hole concentration dependence of the magnetic moment in superconducting and insulatingLa2xSrxCuO4

Recent neutron-scattering measurements on the La2xSrxCuO4 system have revealed a drastic change of the incommensurate static-spin correlations from diagonal in the insulating region to parallel in the superconducting region. We report the doping dependence of the ordered magnetic moment for the hole concentration region 0.03<~x<~0.12, focusing on the relationship between the static magnetism and the superconductivity. The elastic magnetic cross-section decreases monotonically with increasing x for 0.03<~x<~0.07. We find that the ordered magnetic moment μ varies from 0.18μB/Cu(x=0.03) to 0.06μB/Cu(x=0.07). No significant anomaly is observed at the insulator-superconductor boundary (x0.055). The elastic magnetic cross-section is enhanced in the vicinity of x=0.12 where resolution-limited width peaks are observed in neutron-scattering measurements and where the apparent magnetic and superconducting transitions coincide.