European Corn Borer Trapping in North Carolina with Various Sex Pheromone Component Blends123

Both the (Z) and the (E) pheromone strains of Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) were found to occur sympatrically in North Carolina. Traps baited with a blend of 97%Z and 3%E 11-tetradecenyl acetate (11–14: Ac) caught significantly more male moths than did traps baited with a 4%Z:96%E blend. An intermediate number of males was caught in traps baited with blends of 50%Z:50%E or 35%Z:65%E 11–14:Ac. Correlations between the numbers of moths caught in traps baited with the different blends were not consistently significant. The sex pheromone baited traps were far less effective than a BL trap for monitoring seasonal activity of the European corn borer moth population.