Cytogenetic studies in patients with secondary leukemia/dysmyelopoietic syndrome after different treatment modalities

Cytogenetic studies of 68 patients who developed secondary leukemia (SL)/dysmyelopoietic syndrome (DMS) after extensive chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy as well as patients who developed SL/DMS without such treatment showed that those patients who received radiation alone or with chemotherapy had more extensive numerical and structural abnormalities than those who received only chemotherapy. In terms of the specific chromosomal abnormalities, there are no differences between the various treatment groups. Hypodiploidy is the most common form of aneuploidy in these patients, with the most common numerical abnormality being the loss of chromosome 7. The most common structural abnormalities involved chromosomes 3 and 5. When compared with patients with de novo leukemia and DMS, the chromosomal abnormalities in these patients are more complex and extensive. Serial studies revealed that cytogenetic abnormalities do not precede the development of hematologic changes by significant time periods.